Juliana is a Nutritional Therapist, Naturopath and wellness expert. With a passion for nutrition, a sharp focus on the latest scientific research and with her practice firmly rooted in the Functional Medicine model, Juliana is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise to help clients improve their health, achieve their goals and develop sustainable habits to live a healthy and balanced life.
Following a background of comprehensive training in various bodywork modalities, Juliana has undertaken extensive academic and scientific training. She holds an MSc in Personalised Nutrition from Middlesex University, an advanced diploma in Nutritional Therapy Practice from the Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM) and a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Naturopathy from The University of Westminster.
With solid evidence-based scientific research guiding her work, Juliana understands the importance of keeping herself up to date with the developments in the nutrition field.
In contrast with the current 'one size fits all' approach that is so prevalent in the current healthcare paradigm, Juliana takes into account the bio-individual metabolic needs of each client. Known for her skilful assessment and engaging style, she uses cutting edge functional laboratory testing in her clinic to develop personalised protocols, which include achievable dietary, supplemental and lifestyle guidance.
As well as running her private practice online, Juliana is part of the nutrition team at The Optimum Health Clinic and is a senior lecturer and student clinic supervisor at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM).
Health is the natural state of our bodies and attaining it doesn't have to be complicated. My goal is to inspire you to find true wellness through a balanced diet and, above all, the development of a new lifestyle that fits into your reality. Together we can identify your needs, assign priorities and define the steps you can take towards optimal health.
Each human being is unique and no single diet or lifestyle will be suitable for everyone. Functional Nutrition is an individual-centred approach that allows for symptoms, signs and characteristics of each person to be elucidated and related to situations of deficiency or excess of certain nutrients.

We are living in such times of confusion over health and nutrition that we frequently find ourselves in the middle of a ton of conflicting information on what we should and shouldn't be eating. To provide you with solid, scientific opinions on current trends, I like to take what is known from medical journals and soften this information to make it understandable, clear and interpretable.